Prices listed are for leotards available for pick up at Westwood Gymnastics or Cypress Academy of gymnastics.
If shipping and credit card use is required please add $6 PER item ordered.
Regular tank front and back $30 leotard, $34 unitard
Regular tank front, Keyhole Back $32
$15 sport top
Single Bow back $34
top/ bottom: leotard $34, Unitard $38
Ruffle Shoulder: leotard $36, unitard $40
Chest Stripe -choose three fabrics: Leotard $38, Unitard $42
Side Panel Curve base price with no jewel : leotard $38 jewel shown is additional $7.
Side Sweep price does not include jewel.Leotard $40 Shooting star jewel shown is additional $5
Split to side: Leotard $38,
Chest curve Keyhole front: Leotard $38, Unitard $42
see price on front picture
Basic Long Sleeve $38-shown here with custom Logo is an additional $8
Front Wave has a keyhole back $38
Shorts can be done with or without a contrasting waistband $12 for size 3,4,6 $15 for size 8,10,12 $17 for 14 and up
Sport top $18 leggings $30
American Girl Doll leotard $17 , Unitard $20
Black or Pink cotton leotard $15 Black Mesh pull on skirt $10
black mesh wrap skirt $15
Jewel designs: Texan, ATM, Texas, Cypress, or most other team designs $10. Jewels or glitter vinyl available . various prices
Boys tank $30 and Pommel pants.$25-$35 depending on size Shown here with vinyl Cypress Academy Logo but can do most logos, just contact me.